About Maren

Baltimore City

As the concealed artifacts behind historical conspiracies become public information, Maren Henson reexamines the role of conspiracy and how it has shaped American history and culture. These videos, drawings, and sound installations examine how cultural narratives are manipulated and controlled. She received her Master of Fine Art degree in the Mount Royal School of Multidisciplinary Art at the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2017. Maren is a Janet and Walter Sondheim Prize… more

Doomsday For The Birds

This video is a collection of footage taken from a mock neighborhood called “Doom Town". Portions of a second mock town, called “Survival Town,” was subjected to the Apple-2 test from Operation Teapot in 1955. These nuclear tests were vital to the propaganda machine that helped escalate & expand America's military industrial complex. An audio clip of the first director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, tries to justify the CIA's existence & its dynastic plans. This domination, under his command created the modern American political system we see throughout the world today.

  • Doom Town For The Birds

    This video is collaged footage from atomic bomb testing in Nevada along with Audio of the first CIA Director, Allen Dulles, discussing the CIA, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War. Intermixed with this audio is a clip of a mockingbird chirping, referencing operation mockingbird.

  • Doom Town For The Birds

Project We believe

This video is of a photo of the first "Unidentified Flying Object" in 1947. The sound is from an interview with the pilot that took the photo, manipulated through programming to create a chance of light and dark noise and speech. Based on research about Project Blue Book, the study of unidentified flying objects by the Air Force. Project Blue Book had two goals, to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and analyze UFO-related data. Taking that uncertainty in to play, the video was coded through processing and left up to the code to determine the end outcome of both the audio and visual elements in the code.
  • Project We Believe