About Rose

Baltimore County

Born in 1977, Rose Anderson spent an isolated childhood in Clinton, Maryland until 1991 when her family joined a cult in Kansas. After escaping the cult in 2001, Anderson returned to Maryland where she now works as a writer and printmaker, drawing on her early life to explore constructs of race and patriarchy in classical art, architecture, and American historical narratives. She shares short stories about her childhood and is writing a memoir. She has shown her contemporary… more

Non-fiction Writing

I am writing vingnettes from my childhood in a fundamentalist cult and my naive exploration of the outside world after escaping as a young adult. Filtered through the lens of critical race theory, my autobiography will weave these short pieces into a larger work that challenges the tradition of white success stories in American memoir. 

  • The Church Militant
    "We were, after all, soldiers for Christ the King."

Storytelling: Interactive Digital Scrolls

On their surface, Scrolls are a series of short sentences or paragraphs I have written to tell a complete story on a computer or tablet screen. You can click and scroll with a mouse or interact with a touch screen to reveal more text, which can change the meaning of the story at the Scroll’s surface entirely.

When I emerged from the religious cult of my childhood and young adulthood, I had to sift, dig, search, and obsess to uncover the truth as if gradually unrolling an ancient scroll. The interactive Scrolls are a proxy for that first-hand experience as I connect the atrocities of America's past to present-day issues using vignettes of my isolation, Eurocentric indoctrination, and naive exploration of the outside world after my escape.

In this contemporary storytelling medium I use both my photography and my digital photo compositions to illustrate the pages, as well as other graphic art created expressly for the Scroll. Scrolls are both a deconstruction and an expansion of my printmaking work, contextualizing many of the same component images and concepts.

Each work sample is a short video showing how someone might interact with the Scroll, and each includes a link to the interactive artwork.
  • A Thing of Transcendent Beauty - Interactive Scroll by Rose Anderson (Demo)
    "A Thing of Transcendent Beauty" - Interactive internet work with written word, photography, digital artwork, HTML, CSS and PHP Functions - 2019. Interacting with the scroll explores where ultra-conservative constructs around women's roles in society originated, and where they ultimately lead.This is a short video demo of interactive artwork hosted here: https://artistroseanderson.com/a-thing-of-transcendent-beauty/
  • Woman on a Pedestal - Interactive Scroll by Rose Anderson (Demo)
    "Woman on a Pedestal" - Interactive internet work with written word, photography, digital artwork, HTML, CSS and PHP Functions - 2018. This scroll tells of a triumphant speech I gave when graduating from four years of indoctrination in Eurocentrism and conservative womanhood, and what was really happening behind the scenes. This is a video demo of work located here: https://artistroseanderson.com/woman-on-a-pedestal/
  • Autodidact - Interactive Scroll by Rose Anderson (Demo)
    "Autodidact" - Interactive internet work with written word, photography, digital artwork, HTML, CSS and PHP Functions - 2019. What at first appears to be a rags-to-riches tale of a self-made business woman becomes a darker story about deeply embedded ideas about race that influence the judgements we make. This is a short video demo of interactive content hosted here: https://artistroseanderson.com/autodidact/
  • Flightless - Interactive Digital Scroll by Rose Anderson (Demo)
    "Flightless" - Interactive internet work with written word, photography, digital artwork, HTML, CSS and PHP Functions - 2018. "Why didn't you just leave? It was your choice". This is a short video demo of interactive content hosted here: https://artistroseanderson.com/flightless/
  • From There to Here - Digital Interactive Scroll by Rose Anderson (Demo)
    "From There to Here" - Interactive internet work with written word, photography, digital artwork, HTML, CSS and PHP Functions - 2018. In this interactive work, I use one story from my escape from a religious cult as a way to open a conversation about White privilege and systemic racism in America. This is a short video demo of interactive content hosted here: https://artistroseanderson.com/from-there-to-here/

Printmaking: Deconstructing American Eurocentrism

In this contemporary printmaking series, I invert the significance of Classicism used as an expression of White superiority and socio-economic dominance, using it instead as a way to examine and de-center Whiteness in the American story.  I photograph material culture that sustains a Eurocentric focus in American thought as well as objects and structures to represent the inevitable end of those narratives. I then assemble them into digital compositions using Adobe Photoshop. My final prints are pigment ink on watercolor rag. 

My aesthetic draws on my childhood surrounded by Eurocentrism in sculpture, architecture, and religious illustration that romanticized suffering against a backdrop of nature and antiquity. I also built upon my early exposure to the religious art of the Renaissance, expanding to Thomas Cole's landscapes, d'Hondecoeter's birds, and Hubert Robert's use of ruins as social commentary. 
  • The Sea Came for Orpheus
    The Sea Came for Orpheus
    "The Sea Came for Orpheus" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 32 x 18 inches - 2020. In my artistic exploration I have come to understand grand displays of Greek and Roman Classicism in America as expressions of America's deep-seated Eurocentrism, a celebration of systemic racism and white socio-economic dominance. This statue, erected in honor of Francis Scott Key, truly represents his status as an enslaver and apparent embrace of the system being constructed to forever ensure the supremacy of white men.
  • Memento Mori
    Memento Mori
    "Memento Mori" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 36 x 24 Inches - 2018. Richard the Ironmaster, enslaver at Montpelier in Laurel with ties to the Ridgely family of Baltimore County, is long dead. The symbols of his supremacy are mere ephemera he bought stolen human lives. The Latin title of this piece translates: "Remember that you will die".
  • In the End
    In the End
    "In the End" - Digital Photo Composition - Pigment Print on Watercolor Paper - 36 x 24 Inches - 2019. On the portico of Hampton Mansion stands a statue, a custom portrait in marble of the infant child of one of the wealthiest enslaver families in Maryland, the Ridgelys. The Latin inscription I have added translates: "I shall perish".
  • On This Site
    On This Site
    "On This Site" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 24 x 36 Inches - 2018. In the muddy foreground lies an iron corn-shucking tool that would have been used by an enslaved person.
  • If Only
    If Only
    "If Only" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 32 x 20 Inches - 2019. In the distance, the remains of Washington, DC.
  • In Captivity
    In Captivity
    "In Captivity" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 24 x 36 Inches - 2019. I often use Classical architecture and sculpture in my work as a way of investigating how Classicism is used to represent white male dominance in America.
  • The Ironmaster's Providence
    The Ironmaster's Providence
    "The Ironmaster's Providence" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 24 x 36 Inches - 2018. If you visit the immaculately restored Ridgely Mansion, you can sit on this charming antebellum iron bench and look out at the formal gardens. On a tour of the mansion, a guide will tell you how the children who lived here kept squirrels as pets. Close by but out of site, enslaved people endured hell on earth in the Ridgely's iron forges. The Latin inscription I have added translates: "Look back at the truth".
  • For This is Sacred Ground
    For This is Sacred Ground
    "For This is Sacred Ground" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 48 x 27 Inches - 2019. Freed black people built a community near the Gunpowder River where they had been formerly enslaved in the Ridgely's iron forges. In September 1887, black and white worshipers gathered for a Revival at the old site of the forges where the railroad bridge crosses the river today, and iron bolts from the industrial operation could still be seen protruding from the rocks. The Latin words on the bridge translate "Know Your Land".
  • Cult of the White Madonna
    Cult of the White Madonna
    "Cult of the White Madonna" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 36 x 27 Inches - 2019. A white marble statue of a mother and child, members of the slave-holding Ridgely family. The statue was created as a portrait and still stands on the portico of Hampton Mansion. The Ridgely statue has replaced a statue of the Virgin Mary in this photo of my mother, circa 1960. The Latin inscription I have added roughly translates: "Adore and emulate us."
  • The Accounting of Canton Plantation
    The Accounting of Canton Plantation
    "The Accounting of Canton Plantation" - Digital Photo Composition, Pigment Print on Watercolor paper - 24 x 36 Inches - 2019. I recontextualized my photo of the statue of John O'Donnell of Baltimore, who owned around 70 enslaved people at the time of his death in 1805. The statue was removed in 2021.